This page displays sold house prices for Eagle Business Park in Peterborough.
Eagle Business Park in Yaxley, Peterborough . Properties on Eagle Business Park typically have values around under £100,000, with exceptional properties valued upwards of £100,000.
£108,000 | Other, Freehold | 10th July 2015 |
£139,950 | Other, Freehold | 9th October 2013 |
All sold house price data on Peterborough Online is provided under license from the Land Registry for England and Wales. We cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. N.B. Sold prices are reported up to 3 months in arrears from date of house sale so there may be a delay for some sold properties to appear on this site. Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2025.
Map showing Eagle Business Park in Peterborough.